Monday, October 29, 2007

new stuff

So sorry it's taken so long to add any new stuff. I started my new job (same company) and I've been much busier.

Anyway, here are some new pictures of the kids.


Lots more here.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Welcome to the World

Elias and Graham (and mommy and daddy) are cheering the arrival of cousin Guillermo Miguel! You can read all about him here!

22 hours of labor?!?! Way to go Auntie Amy!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Milestone Accomplished!

Yesterday Graham rolled over for the first time. He went from front to back. Good job, Graham!

Note: Because I was busy with Elias, I didn't actually see the event. I just looked at him and found him on his back when he had been on his tummy only a few seconds earlier. For all I know, Diva may have run into the room, rolled Graham over with her nose, then run out again without me noticing. But, well, you know Occam's Razor and all that ...

Friday, October 12, 2007


Me: Do you know who loves you, Elias?
Elias: Grandma!
Me: Who else?
E: Gung gung!
Me: Who else?
E: Daddy!
Me: Who else?
E: Mommy!
Me: Anyone else?
E: Baby Graham!
Me: And who do you love?
E: ...FROGS!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

late again

Once again we missed Graham's birthday - he was three months old yesterday. Happy birthday little guy!

Last weekend, we went to Elmwood Park Zoo in Norristown. Pretty odd little place, but we had fun. Below is photo taken there, but click here for a lot more.
