Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas From John!

My Christmas present from my wonderful husband was an AlienBees studio flash unit!

I went to Joann today and picked up some fabric to use as backdrops, and voila!



I am not totally happy with the results yet (the exposure and some of the shadows are really bugging me), but Graham was running out of patience with me while I endlessly messed with stuff, and I think this is a great start anyway. It helps having such photogenic subjects.


John said...

Wow, that's cool. When do you start making money with this?

Amy, Bill, Guillermo and Alma said...

Very beautiful boys! Great job! How long have you been working on your photography? I think you have a great eye!

Bill said...

really great photos Wendy, you're quite talented.

Wendy said...

If you count not spending money at Sears or Picture People as 'making money', then I just made at least 60 bucks.

Thanks for the compliments. Like I said, its easy taking nice pictures of these guys - the hard thing is keeping them to stay still long enough to get the shots!

Amy, I've been playing with SLRs since high school, but have just started trying out portraits lately. I'll have to keep practicing so I can get some good pictures of Guillermo if you guys ever come to visit!

Amy, Bill, Guillermo and Alma said...

We'd love to have you do some shots of Guillermo! We want to come visit too...maybe in the summer. By then there will be three squirming boys! I'm sure you'll be up for the challenge :)