Friday, February 29, 2008

More Mad Skillz

Eating 'Cheerios'

Now that Graham is over being sick, his development has resumed its leaps and bounds growth! I'd been putting Cheerios* on his high chair tray recently, but while sick he preferred to push them on the floor and scream until I picked him up. In a fine mood yesterday, he finally decided to pick some up and try them. The first few didn't make it down his throat - he held them tightly in his balled up fist and shoved his entire hand in his mouth. After a bit, he figured out the pincer grip and was soon picking up cereal pieces and popping them in his mouth like an old pro! He sucks on them until they dissolve, then goes in for more.

It took Elias a long time to figure out the proper way to eat Cheerios*. He would grab them between his thumb and forefinger but had trouble transferring them into his mouth. So he would nibble at the parts visible around his fingertips and then drop the last unreachable pieces back on his tray. This went on for a couple of months before he got the right idea.

Everything is now going swimmingly with Graham, but he's so excited about all the great things he can do that he doesn't want to sleep anymore! He wakes up frequently and when I go in to get him, he is invariably sitting up in his crib or is up on his hands and knees rocking back and forth trying to crawl somewhere... maybe off to find more Cheerios*.

*They're actually Giant supermarket's generic organic 'oat hoops'


Bill said...

he really is too cute for words, very photogenic.

Anonymous said...

He learns so quickly - he figured out how to grasp his cereal. He is adorable, fiery hair and all. Uncle Bill's hair was always sticking up, especially after sleep. Grandma Norma