Saturday, March 8, 2008

Get up. Stand Up.

Annoyed by the amount of media coverage Elias has gotten in the last two days, Graham decided to seize the spotlight again today by executing one of his most amazing feats to date: pulling up to a stand for the first time. His prize? The TV remote control which had previously been out of reach on top of the ottoman. That and this gratuitous blog post.

Way to go Graham!

In other news, there are unconfirmed reports that Graham's first tooth has finally emerged. Though he has refused to comment and will not submit willingly to an inspection, we believe it is his lower right central incisor. We will update this story with new details as they become available.

Edited to add: Well, I wrestled him to the ground and pried his mouth open. Yes, he has a tooth! You can just see the top of it at the gum line. My baby's growing up. *sniff*


Anonymous said...

I get to see a first tooth - WOW! I am impressed - and standing up- how fantastic. It won't be long now - walking, holding his hand and going for walks - short ones, but walks. Grandma Norma

Wendy said...

You may even get to see a second or third tooth! You're not going to recognize him when you see him - he's growing SO fast.