Tuesday, November 6, 2007

October Round-Up

Sorry I haven't written much lately, Graham has been going through a phase where he wakes up every half hour after being put to bed in the evening, so I haven't had much time to update the blog. But he seems to be sleeping well tonight (knock wood), so I'll attempt to update you on what's been going on in our lives.

Uncle Gerald came to visit for a couple of days at the end of October. Elias thought his uncle was so much fun, especially after Uncle Gerry presented him with Spencer the engine (one of Thomas' friends) made out of LEGOS!!! Elias and John fought it out over who got to play with the set, but Elias won, by virtue of not having to leave the house - and the Legos - to go to work every day. Graham was also pleased, in his own quiet way, with the teddy bear he received as a gift.

After Uncle Gerald left, we took the boys to get pumpkins. We went to Clark's pumpkin patch, because they have a free hayride from the parking area to the pumpkin patch. Elias was beside himself with excitement when he saw the tractor that would be pulling us to the patch and chattered happily for the duration of the ride. Daddy helped him pick two big beauties, and Elias rode in the wagon with them on the way back to the tractor. Graham kept warm strapped to mommy in his baby carrier, and even managed to stay awake for most of the trip.


Halloween was uneventful. On the 30th, Elias got to dress up in his giraffe costume (thank you, cousin Samuel and auntie Cheryl!) for school. Our neighborhood is lousy for trick or treating, so though Elias dressed up again on Halloween night, he came only to our door to trick or treat. I went outside with him and explained what he needed to do and what would happen. He knocked on our door and yelled, "DADDY! I WANT CANDY!!" John prompted him, "What do you say, Elias?" and apparently mistaking his father for the etiquette police, Elias politely added "PLEASE?" After another reminder, he managed a weak "Trick or treat!" and happily collected his lollipop.

Graham (as a lion) and Elias with their jack o' lanterns.


Norma Bomberger said...

Heard the news about "potty time" - tell Elias I am very proud of him for doing things like a "big boy". He is growing up fast. You and John are so smart to take this easy and stress - in the long run, the kids learn on their own anyway and the only ones stressing over them not doing it on the parents' timetable are the parents.

Can't get over how cute both my grandsons look in their costumes. Maybe when Elias gets older, he can go to a couple of friends homes outside of your neighborhood and trick or treat. Usually some pre-schools give parents the opportunity to trick or treat with them. At least he said trick or treat - Doug would go "Happy Ween" his first year trick or treating.

Love you, Norma

Wendy said...

We didn't go to much trouble this year for trick or treating because he doesn't really get it yet. Next year we'll probably go t-or-t-ing with a friend who lives in a nice development with sidewalks and not too much space between the houses.

He'll rake it in and then I won't have to feel bad when I steal half his candy for myself...

Norma Bomberger said...

you deserve at least 1/2 the candy for all you do - being Mom is a tough job, especially when you have two such super boys in your life. Love you, Norma