Saturday, January 26, 2008


Looks like I didn't take many photos in January, but here's one. Click through to see more.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Baby Got Back

I took this picture to document Graham's Mongolian spots. These are the blue-black birthmarks covering his back and bottom. Many Asian babies are born with them, including Elias, but his have faded a bit over time. I may have had them at one point, but don't anymore.

Anyhow, I thought it was a cute shot of him, bald spot and all!

08 01 25_0022_edited-1

(You can also see a vascular birthmark on the back of his right arm)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

if I had a photograph of you

Here's the jacket art we're thinking of using for Graham's album of 80s cover songs. It drops February 5th and it's only available on vinyl, so look for it at the hipper record stores in your town.

Seriously, this is what his hair looks like all the time. Crazy kids.

Da da da da da da

Graham has been quite the chatterbox lately. He stayed up long after his bedtime last night calling "Da da da da da da da" and "Tha tha tha tha tha". When he woke up later during the night for a feeding, instead of crying, he just started calling "tha tha tha tha tha"

As I was writing this, Elias, who is supposed to be napping, tried to sneak in the room behind me. Graham looked at him and started yelling "Tha tha tha tha tha", which translates to either, "Go back to bed!" or "Great, you came to play with me!" Good job, Graham. I'm sure this is the start of a long tradition of ratting out your big bro.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Second Attempt

Today's second try at solid food went much better. Instead of just dumping gobs of oatmeal into Graham's mouth, I put the spoon into his mouth and let him suck the oatmeal off of it. He was begging for more after finishing the small amount I gave him (about a teaspoon), but I think I'll wait until tomorrow to see how his body reacts to the food.

I'm going to miss his once every 4 days, all-liquid, breastmilk poops.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Half-y Birthday, Graham!

Well, I blinked and all the sudden Graham is celebrating his 6 month birthday. I can't believe its come so fast!

Other than the part when he fell out of bed this morning (oops), he's had a pretty good day. He even got to try his first solid food - oatmeal mixed with breastmilk - at lunchtime today. Not much made it down his throat, but a good time was still had by all.

Looking a little wary as he takes his first bite:

Post-meal - note all the oatmeal he spit out on his bib:

Other Graham news. He can roll both ways (front to back and vice versa) when he wants to, but is pretty content to just stay on his back or his belly, unless I look away or leave them room, at which time he executes a quick flip. Maybe he's just bashful. He also enjoys sitting, and after we help him into a sitting position, he can stay up for minutes at a time playing with toys or just watching the goings-on around him,

We're on teeth watch here, since Graham has been chewing on everything lately, including hands (his own or anybody else's he's lucky enough to find), hair (usually mine), and toys (his favorite is a Bunnies by the Bay duckling - thank you Kukuks). The past few days he's been drooling like a madman and napping poorly, so I expect an incisor might pop through at any moment.

After experiencing a major sleep regression at 4 months (waking up every 30-45 minutes all evening, then every two hours through the night), he's back to his normal self. The sleep thing would've killed me, but I remembered all too well how Elias had done the same thing at the same age. Elias easily resisted my feeble attempts to improve his sleep and eventually got better on his own, so with Graham I figured I would skip all the stupid strategies to try to get him to sleep and make it easier on him and me by just giving him what he wanted. So the last couple of months, I've spent many evenings laying in bed nursing him, watching TV or playing Tetris on my DS. I can think of much worse things I could be doing with my time, like sitting in a dark room holding a screaming baby and trying to convince him that, no, he really isn't that hungry. So it all worked out.