Friday, January 25, 2008

Baby Got Back

I took this picture to document Graham's Mongolian spots. These are the blue-black birthmarks covering his back and bottom. Many Asian babies are born with them, including Elias, but his have faded a bit over time. I may have had them at one point, but don't anymore.

Anyhow, I thought it was a cute shot of him, bald spot and all!

08 01 25_0022_edited-1

(You can also see a vascular birthmark on the back of his right arm)


Amy, Bill, Guillermo and Alma said...

I've never seen Mongolian spots before. It looks like his back is a map to treasure on a secret island! Very good idea to keep documentation since it might not be around later. I love your photos!

Wendy said...

I'd never heard of them until a few years ago. I was at a friend's wedding in Middle-of-Nowhere, Minnesota (actually just over the state line from Fargo, ND) and this older woman cornered me and was telling me about her adopted Asian grandson and how Asians have these weird birthmarks on their backs. I thought she was insane!